Welcome to CLINAGO

At Clinago, our goal is to facilitate access to clinical research. We want to help find the right trial for you and support you in the first steps of your journey as a trial participant. With Clinago, you’ll be able to easily locate your ideal clinical trial and see in an instant if you qualify for the research study. Whether you are thinking of participating in a study yourself, or are gathering information for a friend, we are here to help. Welcome to the Clinago community! We look forward to accompanying you in your journey.
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Are you a researcher or representative of a clinical site?

Join our network of clinical sites and be at the forefront of innovation in clinical research.
Why Participate?

How we help

  • Clinical studies are accessible and interesting alternatives for patients looking for innovative solutions to their health challenges.
  • Trials offer privileged access to cutting-edge therapies.
  • Advancement of science: Clinical studies test medications and help develop important drugs; contribute to the discovery of medical breakthroughs; and help find new treatments that could cure or improve quality-of-life for patients like you.
I come here for my health; the frequent medical follow-ups make me feel secure. We are taken care of; the people are very courteous, and we are always well treated.”
Research participant since 2001​
Why Participate

What is it like to
participate in a study?

“We feel that the safety and health of the patient is essential and paramount. I am completely satisfied.”

Research participant since 2010

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Our Partners

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." – Helen Keller.
We are proud to collaborate and partner with industry leaders.

Types of Studies View All Studies

Participants' story

Research participant since 2021

Patient 2
My boundaries are their boundaries.

There is no obligation, and they respect my limitations. We have free will and we feel like we're making a difference.

Participants' story

Research participant since 2001

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I have been participating in clinical studies for 20 years.

I come here for my health; the frequent medical follow-ups make me feel secure. We are taken care of, the people are very courteous, and we are always well treated.

Participants' story

Research participant since 2010

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I feel confident

The safety and health of the patient is essential and paramount. I am completely satisfied.

Participants' story

Research participant since 2009

86ee6232 a9b3 44b6 81d8 99324569115a
Excellent experience, exceptional.

Everything is always clear, professional, discreet and impeccable.

Participants' story

Study participant

I am proud to contribute to research for a skin condition that has affected me for a long time.

Good staff, efficient and organized.

Participants' story

Study participant


Participating in a trial allowed me to learn more about my condition and contribute to research.

Participants' Stories

Read about the experiences of clinical trial participants

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How can we help?

Frequently Asked

Before joining a clinical study, you must first qualify for the study. All clinical studies have guidelines about who can participate to ensure it is for you. The use of inclusion/exclusion criteria is an important principle of clinical research that selects the proper participants. The factors that allow you to participate in a clinical study are called “inclusion criteria” and those that disallow you from participating are called “exclusion criteria.”

These criteria are based on such factors as age, the type and stage of disease, previous treatment history, and other medical conditions. Some research studies seek subjects with illnesses or conditions to be studied, while others need healthy subjects. It’s not personal! Inclusion and exclusion criteria are not used to reject potential participants. Instead, they are used to identify the right subjects and keep them safe.

The criteria help ensure that researchers will be able to answer the questions posed in the study.


Clinical studies are designed and executed to allow eligible subjects to:

  • Play an active role in their own healthcare
  • Gain access to new research treatments before they are widely available
  • Obtain expert medical care at healthcare facilities during the study
  • Help others by contributing to medical research


There are risks to clinical studies, including:

  • Possible unpleasant, serious or even life-threatening side effects from the experimental treatment
  • Ineffectiveness: the experimental treatment may not be effective for you
  • Time spent: The study may require your time and attention, due to multiple visits to the study site, frequent treatments or hospital stays, etc.

The ethical and legal codes that govern medical practice also apply to clinical studies. In addition, most clinical research is federally regulated with built-in safeguards to protect participants.

The study follows a carefully controlled protocol—a study plan that details what researchers will do in the study. As a clinical study progresses, researchers will report any unexpected events of the study to various government agencies and ethics boards, who will in turn, decide if the study should continue or not. Individuals’ names will remain confidential and will not be mentioned in these reports.

It is important that you feel informed and comfortable about clinical trials before participating. You are encouraged to ask the members of the healthcare team questions about the study and the treatment you will receive while you’re in a study. The following questions might be helpful for you to discuss with the healthcare team.

Some of the answers to these questions are also found in the informed consent document.